
Writing a will is an important action for adults to take. The document safeguards finances and protects assets from winding up in the wrong hands while alleviating a significant amount of hassle and stress for surviving family members. Though approaching the topic may not be the most comfortable one to approach with your parents, encouraging them to cross this task off their list will help protect their interests and yours. Discover some helpful advice for bringing it up with your loved ones below.

5 Tips for Discussing a Will With Your Parents

1. Consult Your Siblings

Discussing your parents’ end-of-life plans should be a family affair. If you have siblings, include them in the conversation. You might all agree to approach the subject when the entire family will be present, so no one feels as if they’re left out of an important discussion.

2. Cover Your Own Assets

One simple yet natural way to start talking about wills is to openly discuss your own plans. Even if you’re young, having a life insurance plan in place is never a bad idea. Showing your parents you’re working on an estate plan for yourself may make the idea of generating their own less intimidating.

3. Explain Your Motives

Financial discussions can be uncomfortable for everyone involved, but you can make it clear that you’re not interested in talking about dollar amounts. Instead, explain that your priority is being in the loop so you can ensure their wishes are fulfilled.

4. Let Them Do the Talking

Once the topic is brought up, allow your parents to guide the conversation. It’s possible they already have a will in place or wrote one years ago that needs updating. No matter where they stand, however, be sensitive to their reaction. If they seem uncomfortable, leave the topic alone and follow up at a later time.

5. Make a Plan & Follow Up

willIf your parents are receptive to the idea of estate planning, consider offering to help them. You might research local attorneys or schedule an appointment to make your own plan and offer to make one for them too. If they prefer to tackle the task themselves, check in again down the road to make sure they’ve gone through with it.


When residents in the Honolulu, HI, area need a trusted lawyer to help plan their will, they turn to Ng & Niebling. This team of attorneys has served the local community for more than 40 years. Specializing in estate planning, they help their clients avoid costly taxes with strategic options to safeguard assets. Send their office a message online or call (808) 732-7788 to schedule a consultation.
