
Water affects much of our daily lives. Not only do people need to consume a certain amount of it to survive, but we also make use of it when bathing, cooking, or cleaning. Therefore, if there is something wrong with your supply, don’t just go with the flow. After all, poor water quality can harm your plumbing systems and even put your family’s health at risk. The guide below lists signs that it’s time to invest in a water filtration system.

Causes of Concern Regarding Your Water

1. Blue-Green Stains Around Water Fixtures

While buildup around water fixtures is a typical sign of hard water, homeowners should be especially watchful for blue-green stains. This indicates high copper levels, which can contribute to anemia, liver damage, and digestive problems.

2. Sediment or Discoloration

Water that is murky or tinted is a common indicator of high organic mineral content. There are many potential reasons why the water could become discolored. Pesticide or fracking residue from rainwash might have gotten into the water supply. There might be high levels of iron, or even rust, from corroding pipes. Households that rely on a well pump system may also occasionally have sediment come out of their fixtures. With such a myriad of possible causes, order a water quality analysis right away.

3. Unusual Odor

water qualityWhile a small amount of chlorine is found in most tap water, a strong chlorine smell indicates that this chemical is present at dangerous levels. A rotten egg smell might speak to high amounts of sulfur. To stay safe, only drink bottled water until a plumbing professional can perform an inspection.

4. Unpleasant Taste

Drinking water should be crisp and refreshing. A bitter, metallic taste is a clear indicator that your water supply is contaminated. Be especially wary of any sudden changes to its flavor.


If you’re concerned about your household water quality, contact AquaKlear Filtration LLC. Designing home filtration systems for the McCall and Boise, ID, areas since 2008, their custom manufactured equipment is specifically designed to treat Idaho’s unique water. To learn more about their products, visit them online. Request a free water test and analysis by calling (208) 315-1565.
