
Straightening crooked and misaligned teeth once depended exclusively on metal braces. Invisalign®, or clear braces available to the public since the early 2000s, changed the dental industry forever by straightening teeth discreetly. Below are answers to common clear braces questions before determining what restorative solution is right for your oral health.

Frequently-Asked Questions About Invisalign

What makes Invisalign different?

Unlike traditional braces consisting of metal wires, brackets, and rubber bands, Invisalign braces consist of smooth, comfortable, BPA-free plastic. They look nearly invisible as they gently push your teeth into their proper positions. Each pair of aligners is customized precisely for the dental patient’s teeth, which involves taking x-rays and impressions. These clear braces also cost less than traditional options.

How long do the braces take to straighten teeth?

It typically takes about one year to invisalignstraighten teeth with these innovative braces; however, each patient is different and may require more or less time. For the quickest results, wear your aligners for up to 22 hours a day, taking them out only to brush your teeth or eat. The braces make it easy to keep up with your dental care because food particles do not get stuck among the wires and brackets.

Are The Aligners Changed Often?

Expect to visit your dentist every 6 to 12 weeks to change your aligners. Dental patients with more severe alignment issues see their dentists every 4 to 6 weeks. Mild discomfort is normal during the first few days after you receive your new aligners because they use pressure to move your teeth into position.

What About Cleaning?

Clean your clear braces with your toothbrush before rinsing with lukewarm water to remove bacteria. Special cleaning kits are also available. Whichever method you select, clean the braces daily to prevent problems with tooth decay and cavities from leftover bacteria. Ask your dentist for cleaning tips if you are having issues. 


Discuss your Invisalign candidacy at with the qualified team at Hawaii Orthodontist. The practice serves kids, teens, and adults throughout Honolulu, Waipahu, and Kunia, HI. Offering several teeth straightening solutions, Dr. Tammy Chang-Motooka and Dr. Shelliann Kawamoto take continuing education classes to provide their patients with the best and most innovative care possible. Call (808) 947-3737 today to schedule a free consultation or learn about treatments online. Get the latest tips and news on Facebook.
