
While nothing can replace regular brushing and flossing for proper oral hygiene, experts agree people with dental sealants have a reduced risk of tooth decay, along with other oral hazards. This innovative procedure prevents 80% of back-teeth cavities in children aged 6 to 11. If you’re considering this procedure for your child, the answers to the questions below contain detailed information to help you make a decision.

Questions About Dental Sealants Answered

How do sealants work?

The thin sealant is made of plastic material that adheres to the surface of your teeth to form a defensive layer against food particles and bacteria. By filling in the small cracks and fissures that permeate the surface of your child’s teeth, the coating protects them from harmful acids released by bacteria and food debris that cause cavities and tooth decay.

Who is the best candidate?

sealantsSince cavities and tooth decay can begin at an early age, young children are the best candidates for sealants. Typically, dentists will perform the procedure on children who are shedding their last baby teeth and are growing their adult teeth. They brush the sealant on the fully-erupted tooth to prevent future decay and damage.

How is the procedure performed?

A quick and painless procedure, sealants are placed after thorough teeth cleaning. Once the teeth are dry, an acidic mixture is placed on the chewing surface to add friction and strengthen the bond between the tooth and sealant. After a thorough rinse, the sealant is brushed on each tooth and hardened with a blue curative light.

How do I help my child care for them?

Sealants can last for 10 years if properly cared for. Encourage your child to brush twice a day for at least two minutes with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Additionally, teach them to floss to remove lingering debris between teeth. During their scheduled dental visits, the dentist will check for cracks or chips in the material and replace them as needed.



If you’re considering dental sealants for your child, the team at Village Smiles Family Dentistry in Pittsford, NY, has the skills to help improve your child’s oral health. Staffed with friendly dentists specializing in state-of-the-art technology, they perform cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, and teeth whitening that will brighten your entire family’s smiles. Check out their website for information on their services or call (585) 385-2033 to schedule an appointment. 
