
If you’re unable to work because of a documented medical condition, you may be entitled to Social Security disability benefits. These benefits are provided by the federal government through an insurance program funded through a dedicated payroll tax. If you’d like to apply for these benefits, a disability lawyer can help you navigate the application process. Before you reach out to a legal professional, learn more about some of the most commonly asked questions about Social Security disability benefits. 

What You Should Know About Social Security Disability

Who’s entitled to disability benefits?

To quality for Social Security disability benefits, you must have been diagnosed with a qualifying condition severe enough to keep you from earning a living wage. Additionally, you must have earned at least 40 work credits — including 20 during the past decade — by paying into the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) insurance program. Younger adults who have not been part of the workforce for long enough to earn these credits may still be entitled to benefits in certain scenarios. 

Can you continue working after receiving benefits?

disability-lawyerGenerally speaking, those who are receiving disability benefits can still work up to 20 hours per week. However, the SSA will likely scrutinize the applications of those who are still working much more closely. As such, it’s wise to consult with a disability lawyer before applying for benefits if you’re still employed. An attorney can help you gather the proof needed to demonstrate that despite working, you’re unable to earn a living wage because of your condition. 

How do you apply for disability benefits?

The application for disability benefits isn’t a simple one. You’ll need to submit various kinds of personal information, as well as comprehensive medical records and details regarding your employment history. Even if the application is complete and accurate, a denial is still likely if you’re handling the applying process by yourself. The majority of initial applications are denied; however, you may file an appeal, which will consist of a second review of your application. If you’re denied after the reconsideration as well, you can request a hearing. 

Should you hire an attorney?

If you’re unable to work, you’re understandably more conscientious about how you spend your money. Thankfully, most disability lawyers work for a contingency fee, which means their payment comes from any benefits you manage to secure. In other words, you have nothing to lose by seeking legal counsel — and a lot to potentially gain. An attorney will confirm your eligibility, consult with medical experts to gather sufficient evidence of your limitations, and ensure you don’t miss any critical deadlines during the application or appeals process. 



If you want to apply for Social Security disability benefits, turn to Stine & Associates, P.C. Located in Greensburg, PA, this firm is backed by more than 20 years of experience in the legal field. Since 2007, injured and disabled parties throughout Westmoreland County have turned to them for compassionate representation. Their areas of focus include workers’ compensation, personal injury law, wrongful death, and Social Security disability. To schedule a consultation with a seasoned disability lawyer on their team, call (724) 837-0160. Learn more on their website.
