
Your well pump is responsible for delivering a steady supply of water to your home. If it malfunctions, your water well will no longer function effectively and may even become contaminated. Fortunately, learning how to identify some of the warning signs of a problem will help you avoid potentially serious damages and hazards. Here are some ways to tell when you need well pump repairs.

How to Tell When You Need a Pump Repair

1. Water Discoloration

If you notice changes in the color of your water, this may be a sign of unhealthy mineral buildups or contamination. When your water has a green or brownish hue, contact the professionals to collect a sample and test it for impurities. There may be cracks in your well casing that need repairs. 

2. Low Water Pressure 

pump repairWhen you observe low water pressure from your sinks, tubs, and appliances, your well pump is most likely struggling to move enough water to your home. Your pump repair company will reset the circuit breaker and adjust the pressure switch to troubleshoot the issue. 

3. Air Bubbles

You might notice air bubbles or leaks from your faucets and fixtures. This may be the result of low water levels in your well, causing your pump to fill with air. Hire a professional to perform repairs to restore water levels so that your pump runs normally. 

4. Increased Utility Bills

If you notice unexplained increases in your energy bills, your well pump may be working too hard to provide water to your home. This may be due to old age, incorrect sizing, or corroded parts, so have a pump repair company take a look at the issue. 



Keep a dependable supply of clean water to your home with pump repairs from Dalmik Well Drilling. Since 1987, they have provided well drilling, deepening, and inspections, along with pump installations and repairs, to residents in Putnam, CT. Call (800) 922-6220 to request a quote on well drilling and book an appointment. Visit them online to learn more about 24-hour emergency services. 
