
Because of their sheer size, accidents involving semitrucks involved tend to result in major traumatic injuries and serious vehicle damage. While any type of personal injury claim comes with its own intricacies, those stemming from truck accidents are particularly complex. To better understand this topic, below are three reasons why truck accident personal injury claims are more complicated than any other kind.

Why Is a Truck Accident Claim More Involved Than a Car Accident Claim?

1. Multiple Liable Parties

In a straightforward car accident, there’s often only one driver responsible for the crash. But in a truck accident, more than one party can be held liable. There is the truck driver, the company the driver works for, and—in crashes caused by faulty parts—the truck manufacturer. But the possibilities don't end there. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the trucker's haul and the crash itself, the company that rented the truck and the shipper or broker of the cargo on board could also be found legally liable for a portion of damages.

2. Different Types of Insurance

personal injury claimA personal injury claim resulting from a semi accident might need to be submitted to more than just the trucking company's insurer. If the vehicle is owned by a party other than the trucking company, they will typically have their own policies in place. Also, commercial liability insurance is complicated, with multiple parts and many kinds of coverage; with potentially millions of dollars at stake, those invested in the truck want to protect themselves as much as possible.

3. Driver Responsibility

A trucker is held to a different standard than a car driver. They must pass more intensive, specialized testing to obtain their license, and they must undergo screening before being hired by a trucking company. Because of this difference in standards, a trucker needs to be scrutinized more closely than a car driver after an accident. Their trucking experience, how long they were on the road just prior to the accident, and their job performance will all need to be investigated at length.


If you've been hurt in a trucking accident, you have a right to file a personal injury claim and pursue the needed compensation. The accident lawyers at Kidwell & Gallagher are here to help. For over 20 years, this Elko County, NV-based legal team has been representing clients throughout the state in personal and work injury cases. Schedule a consultation by calling (775) 738-1000 or visiting their website.
