
If you experience chronic back pain, you may have trouble sleeping at night. A bad night’s sleep can cause fatigue and exhaustion that even a cup of coffee can’t help. Luckily, there are several pain relief strategies you can adopt that will have you feeling well-rested in no time. Here are some helpful tips for boosting your energy naturally.

How to Feel More Energized  

1. Physical Activity

Exercise reduces stress hormones, making your body feel more energized, which both wakes you up and improves your mood. It can even be a form of pain relief. Getting active doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as a brisk ten-minute walk to help yourself focus.

2. Eat Smart

imageTry not to skip meals, especially not breakfast. Starting the day with a healthy, nutritious meal can give you energy and reduce early fatigue. Eat foods with sugars that absorb slowly into your bloodstream, like oatmeal, eggs, or berries and yogurt. This will give your brain and body a constant stream of protein and nutrition.

3. Hydrate

One of the earliest signs of dehydration is fatigue. You may think your body is asking for a nap, but it really may be asking for water. Staying hydrated can reduce exhaustion. Aim to drink about eight glasses of water a day to boost your energy levels.

4. Relax

If lower back pain has been the source of your fatigue, try simple relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation to stretch sore muscles. These activities might also help reduce any stress and anxiety that may be contributing to your sleep difficulties. Try relaxing with a warm bath and a guided mediation podcast as a form of pain relief. 


There are many reasons why people feel constantly fatigued. For example, your low energy levels could be an indication of poor circulation. The office of Dr. Michel Longacre Vascular Therapy uses a circulation system that boosts energy by supplying the body with critical nutrients and oxygen. Learn more about circulation therapy and pain relief by calling 214-240-6200.