
Dehydration can affect anyone, but infants, athletes, and adults with poor nutrition are at the highest risk. Staying informed on causes, warning signs, and recommended treatments could save you a trip to the medical center or urgent care clinic. Below is a comprehensive guide to dehydration.

What Causes It?

Dehydration happens when your body doesn’t have the fluids it needs to be healthy and function properly. It can be caused by several things, such as overexertion, not drinking enough water, excessive sweating, and drinking beverages high in sugar or caffeine. Illnesses that cause vomiting and diarrhea can also cause dehydration because the body loses fluids if you can’t keep them down.

How Can You Prevent It?

The best prevention is to ensure you always drink enough water. Limit the number of other drinks you’re consuming daily, especially those high in sugars or caffeine. If you’re an athlete or work outdoors, monitor your health and drink enough water to replenish the fluids you’re losing to sweat. Avoid outdoor activity in intense heat, and take frequent breaks to cool off and rehydrate. Also, seek health care from a medical center if you’ve been vomiting or having diarrhea for over 12 hours; these professionals can help relieve these symptoms and keep you hydrated.

What Should You Do If You’re Dehydrated?

medical clinicSymptoms of dehydration for adults include extreme thirst, weakness, lethargy, decreased urine output, disorientation, and dark urine. In infants and young children, warning signs are dry mouth, lack of tears when crying, irritability, little or no urine output, and slow or no responsiveness. If you suspect you’re dehydrated, get to a cool, air-conditioned location to stop sweating and begin drinking water or sports drinks. Take dehydrated children to a medical center; they may need a special solution or IV to get rehydrated. Seek urgent health services if you experience nausea, dizziness, low urine output, seizures, abdominal or chest pain, or a fever above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.


If you’re ill or severely dehydrated, get the health care you deserve at Monroe Urgent Care in Monroe, OH. This medical center offers comprehensive health services that include urgent care for dehydration, illnesses, fractures, and more, as well as physicals and general care. They prioritize affordable care without sacrificing quality or health. Learn more about their services online, and call (513) 461-2273 to schedule an appointment.
