
For some kids, an overly sensitive gag reflex can make dental care challenging. However, that doesn’t mean they should forego proper oral health care. Instead, try these tips to help your child overcome their gag reflex at the dentist’s office and at home. 

3 Ways to Handle a Child’s Sensitive Gag Reflex 

1. Avoid Morning Appointments

Many patients find their gag reflex is most sensitive in the morning, which may be a result of not eating or talking much beforehand, making the throat muscles tight. If you usually schedule your child’s dentist appointments in the morning, try switching to an afternoon or evening time to see if this helps.

2. Try Relaxation Techniques

dentistA sensitive gag reflex may be a symptom of anxiety. Many children are nervous about going to the dentist, particularly if it’s their first time. Try to relieve tension by helping them get more comfortable. You can bring them in before their appointment to meet the staff and get familiar with the sights, smells, and sounds of the dentist’s office. Role-play, in which they play dentist and patient with you or their stuffed animals, will also get them used to the idea. Some children find breathing exercises or listening to soothing music during the appointment helpful as well.

3. Use Child-Friendly Tools

Some children gag because their toothbrushes are too big for their mouths. Adult-sized toothbrushes and parents’ hands can be uncomfortable in a child’s mouth. Using child-friendly tools, such as a smaller toothbrush, can help. Instead of putting both hands in the child’s mouth to floss, use flossers until they can do it themselves. 


If your child has a sensitive gag flex and needs extra help at their appointments, turn to Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI. Since 1966, they’ve provided gentle, comprehensive dental care and orthodontics to children of all ages. Call (808) 593-8828 to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist, or visit the website to learn more about how they can help keep your child’s smile bright and healthy.
