
When you’ve been stopped by the police, your first impulse may be to comply with any requests, answer all questions, and do everything possible to diffuse tension. While being polite to police officers is always in your best interests, agreeing to all their demands often means giving up powerful Constitutional rights. It can even help them build a case against you. Understanding your rights when pulled over by law enforcement will help a defense attorney provide the most effective representation possible. Below are a few facts to know. 

3 Rights of Drivers Pulled Over by Police

1. The Right to Remain Silent 

Police officers often ask questions that are meant to sound conversational, but are intended to gather probable cause for further action. While you do have to provide your driver’s license, registration, and insurance card on demand, you are not required to answer any other questions about where you’re coming from or what you’re doing.

2. The Right to Refuse Searches

defense attorneyTo search the vehicle, the police need either your permission or probable cause that you’ve committed a crime. If they ask to search your vehicle, then they don’t have a legal basis to do it without your permission, so always refuse.

3. The Right to Leave

Once the officer has explained the stop, returned your documents, and issued a citation, you should be free to leave. If they continue asking questions, politely ask whether you are free to go. If the answer is not a clear and unambiguous yes, ask whether you are being detained. If the officer is detaining you, let them know that you will not answer any further questions without a defense attorney present.


If you’ve been accused of a traffic offense or any other crime, turn to the law office of Darryl L. Jones, Attorney at Law. This defense attorney has over 30 years of experience providing Alaskans with the aggressive representation they deserve. With offices in Palmer and Anchorage, AK, their legal team offers dedicated, personalized advocacy to defendants throughout the region. Visit their website for an overview of their services, or call (907) 746-9851 to consult with an accomplished defense attorney today.
