
Dental problems can hinder your oral health and appearance, making it difficult to smile and talk with others confidently. Fortunately, through cosmetic dentistry, your dentist can help you completely restore and correct your teeth by using dental veneers. If you’re contemplating this corrective dental procedure, the guide below highlights their advantages, 

Understanding Dental Veneers

What Are Dental Veneers? 

Made from incredibly durable, tooth-colored materials like resins and porcelain, dental veneers are like single-sided shells that are made to cover the visible surfaces of your teeth. Modern veneers are thinner and more realistic looking than older versions and can be used to correct gaps, stains, chips, surface cracks, and uneven tooth shapes. 

What Does the Procedure Involve?  

dentistBefore veneers are placed, dentists will check the health of the teeth and talk with patients about their desired cosmetic outcome. Placing veneers is usually a multi-step process since planning is essential to create a realistic and strong smile. 

Since dental veneers are between .5 and .6 millimeters thick, a small amount of enamel needs to be removed from the surface of your teeth to ensure that the additions lay flat with your gumline. After the enamel is trimmed, dentists cement veneers in place using special adhesives, which are quickly cured with a handheld UV light. Next, the teeth are polished to make sure there are no rough or sharp edges. 

What Is the Caring Process Like?

Caring for dental veneers is very straightforward, requiring basic brushing, flossing, and attention to any changes that occur with the teeth. Avoid chewing on hard candy or ice, as you may dislodge the veneer. Your dentist may also ask you to return to the office a few weeks after your appointment to check the fit and appearance of your veneers. 



Whether you’re concerned about some lingering discoloration or a dental symmetry problem, the dentists at BridgeView Dental Group can help. With a commitment to offering a full range of dental services, including orthodontic, periodontal, and cosmetic care, they can help with everything from full smile makeovers to simple tweaks to improve the look and function of your teeth. Visit their website to browse their services or call (907) 486-3257 to schedule an appointment. 
