
Mounting a strong DWI defense is crucial to tackling the charges you're facing. A conviction can have a major impact on your life, affecting everything from your ability to find work and housing to opening new lines of credit and getting approved for loans. Attending court dates will give you the opportunity to present your side of the case and have the strongest chances for a favorable outcome. Below are a few tips to help you prepare for court. 

How to Prepare for a DWI Court Date

1. Know the Details

Your memory of the events surrounding your arrest is vital to a successful DWI defense. Take the time to write out and memorize all pertinent details so you'll be ready to answer the court's questions. Review the events that led up to getting pulled over, what was said between the arresting officer and yourself, and the protocol the officer followed—or didn't follow—during the arrest.

2. Gather Evidence

DWI defenseThe prosecution is going to have a solid case to argue, and it's up to you to refute their points or to introduce doubt into the equation. This is where your evidence comes in. In a DWI defense, evidence can take many forms. Examples include testimony by those who witnessed the arrest, such as other passengers in the vehicle, and medical records that outline any existing health issues that may have prevented you from successfully passing a sobriety test.

3. Dress Professionally

A courtroom is a formal place, and appearances matter. Dressing neatly and professionally is a way of showing respect to the judge and to the court. It also exhibits your investment in the case and demonstrates to the court how responsibly you're handling the charges. Wear conservative clothing; men should wear ties and sports jackets, while women should wear long-sleeved blouses and long skirts or dress pants. Be neatly groomed, take out any piercings other than those in your ears, and cover visible tattoos.


The best way to prepare for a DWI defense is to hire an attorney. With more than 50 years of combined experience, Baker Law Firm LLC represents clients throughout the St. Clair County, MO, region. They’re a multi-practice firm handling a wide range of legal issues—in addition to DWI cases, they offer legal support in personal injuries, criminal defenses, family law cases, and more. Call (417) 646-8125 to schedule a consultation. Visit their website to learn more about their expertise.
