
When it comes to a home’s HVAC system, most people don’t know which size unit is ideal for their home. Between the different efficiency levels and varying abilities to cool spaces, finding the perfect unit can be confusing. Before you hire an air conditioning contractor to evaluate the house and determine the optimal system, here are some myths — and their corresponding truths — to be familiar with.

Fictions & Facts About HVAC Size

1. Size Doesn’t Matter

Some people believe any size unit will cool the house, causing them to purchase a small, less expensive one. In actuality, technicians need to perform a load calculation to determine the most efficient system for various spaces. This evaluates the overall square footage as well as factors like insulation and the numbers of floors and windows.

2. Bigger Units Cool Faster

HVACMany think if you purchase a bigger HVAC system, you can cool the home faster. Unfortunately, this causes many people to overpay for an AC unit that is too large for their needs. The size of the unit doesn’t affect how quickly the home can be cooled; instead, the tonnage of the unit dictates its cooling capacity.

3. A Smaller Unit Saves Money

Purchasing a smaller unit might save money in the short term, but over time, it ends up costing more than going with one recommended by a cooling and heating contractor. A smaller unit can operate less efficiently to cool the home properly, overworking to compensate for the lower tonnage. This impacts monthly utility bills, and — since it works harder than it should — makes frequent air conditioning repairs more likely.


To ensure your home has the ideal HVAC system, schedule a cooling and heating inspection with the experts at Butler Heating & Air in West Plains, MO. For more than 20 years, their team of highly trained contractors has helped local residents find the perfect system for their homes and businesses. Their technicians will perform a thorough inspection to determine which size unit is smartest for your home. Schedule an appointment by calling (417) 256-7984, or learn more online.
