
If you have a gravel driveway, paving it with asphalt is a major upgrade. This inexpensive process can raise your property values due to the benefits it provides, as well as making your home and yard more pleasant and convenient for you to use. Here are five advantages of having your driveway paved.

How Paving Your Driveway Improves It

1. Aesthetics

While freshly laid gravel can be attractive, it tends to develop hills and ruts over time. The gravel at the edges of the drive can also scatter. Pavement stays smooth and neat; as long as you maintain it well, it will also keep an attractive black color.

2. Maintenance

drivewayGravel has to have its furrows raked smooth, leaves and debris cleared out, and more gravel added as the old gravel is scattered or packed down. By comparison, asphalt only needs driveway sealing every two to three years and crack repair as needed. If it needs cleaning, a hose will do the job in minutes.

3. Longevity

Asphalt can last up to 20 years when it's correctly cared for. Gravel has a much shorter life expectancy. Even if it’s less expensive to lay a gravel driveway, asphalt will still save you money in the end because you won't have to replace it as often.

4. Safety

If you have children, they're safer playing on a smooth, level surface. Gravel can shift underfoot, leading to sprained ankles and scraped knees. Asphalt provides a usable surface for chalk drawings, roller skating, and skateboarding.

5. Vehicle Maintenance

When you drive on gravel, dust and rocks are easily kicked up and can hit your car. At best, you'll need to wash the car more often since it'll get dirty. At worst, you may end up with scratches and dents. Asphalt helps keep your car pristine.



If you need to seal and maintain your asphalt driveway, choose UsealUSA™ Pavement Products. Based in Bloomfield, CT, and serving Hartford County and beyond, they have developed a long-lasting, convenient driveway sealant suitable for both residential and commercial application. To order this affordable product, call (860) 263-8339. Learn more about it online.
