
Security breaches, with corporate liability rising into the billions, are omnipresent news items. However, cybercriminals are increasingly targeting small businesses, many of which lack the resources and IT support to defend themselves effectively. The training tips below will help your employees minimize risks to your network.

3 Cybersecurity Techniques to Teach Your Employees

1. Don’t Install Software

Seemingly safe software downloads put your entire network at risk, with the potential to infect your systems with worms, malware, and data loggers. Even tech-savvy employees may download a malicious piece of code. Make it a rule to have an IT support professional review, approve, and install all software downloads.

it support2. Use Strong Passwords

Security breaches may occur simply because an employee with high-level access uses an easily hacked password. Set up controls that require passwords for system access to be a combination of letters,  numbers, and special characters. Also, require passwords to be changed every two to three months. All employees should understand why complex passwords are essential for maintaining security and privacy.

3. Understand How Phishing Works

Phishing is a favorite tool of cybercriminals, who use fake emails, phone calls, or text messages to trick employees into revealing sensitive information like credit card numbers and account passwords. Teach your employees how to recognize suspicious emails, texts, and webpages and never to click on links in pop-up ads. Because phishing techniques are always evolving, issue regular updates, and have an IT support professional train new employees and monitor your systems.


Every small business, including yours, needs a secure, reliable network and the IT support to protect valuable data. NextStep Networking provides expert tech support, IT consulting, and customized assistance to companies of all sizes throughout the Cincinnati area.  To learn more about IT support and their dependable tech resources and services, contact them online, or call their offices at (513) 792-3400.
