
One easy way to prevent costly toilet repair and drain cleaning bills is to be mindful of what you flush. Ideally, toilet paper should be the only product you put down your toilet. This will protect your plumbing and sewage systems. Here are a few items you never flush—even in a pinch. 

Items That Shouldn’t Go in the Toilet

1. Fats & Oils

Fats, oils, and cooking grease congeal as they slide down plumbing lines, creating clogs that cause water flow and pressure problems. Water can stop moving through your pipes entirely if the clogs become severe enough. Too much oil and fat in a sewer line could result in a fatberg—a huge, debris-filled mass capable of causing city-wide problems.

2. Whole Grains

toilet repairRice, quinoa, barley, oats, and other whole grains expand in water instead of breaking down, making them harmful for toilet and plumbing systems. They lodge themselves in sewer lines, getting larger and leading to unexpected toilet repairs. 

3. Paper Towels

Paper towels and other paper products such as cotton balls and tissues do not break down at the same rate as toilet paper. They contribute to clogs, especially paper towels that are designed to absorb liquids. Feminine products expand in water, as well, creating clogs.

4. Cigarettes

In addition to creating clogs, cigarette butts contain formaldehyde, carcinogens, and other toxic chemicals that can pollute the water supply. Cigarette butt filters also get stuck in septic systems, leading to cracks and leaks if the tank is too full.

5. Baby Wipes

Even though many baby wipes are marketed as “flushable,” avoid flushing them down the toilet. Like paper towels, they do not break down easily and have even been found in fatbergs. Put wet wipes in the trash can, instead. 


When you need toilet repairs due to a clog, contact Cox Construction & Plumbing to solve your issue quickly. This construction and plumbing company has served the Shenandoah Valley Area, VA, for over 30 years and have all of the equipment necessary for small and large plumbing jobs. Call (540) 943-8723 today to schedule an appointment, or learn more about their toilet repair and drain cleaning services online
