
The summer months can take a toll on your air conditioning system, burning through energy and running up the utility bill. To save money, some people wonder whether or not they should close vents in unused spaces. Here’s what happens when you do this and why air conditioning contractors recommend against the practice.

Why Closing Ducts Isn’t Beneficial

Air conditioning systems operate by moving air throughout the home to lower the temperature. When you close vents in unused spaces, it increases the pressure inside the ducts, straining your air conditioner and using more energy. Also, since closing vents keeps cooled air from moving to certain rooms, it could trigger the AC to stay on longer because areas where thermostats are located may not be cooled properly. Closing air ducts can also increase the pressure enough to damage ductwork. Pressure imbalances can cause problems such as gaps between joinery, creating ongoing issues with the HVAC system and the need for repairs from an air conditioning contractor.

How to Save Energy When Using Central Air

air conditioning contractorFortunately, there are several effective ways to save money on AC. Schedule regular inspections with an air conditioning contractor to keep the system in top operating condition. In addition to avoiding heat-generating appliances like ovens and clothes dryers during the day, closing the blinds and curtains can help to trap cooled air indoors while preventing the sun’s rays from warming the house. Shading the air conditioning unit with a screen sail can also help to lower energy costs since the air temperature will already be lower when it enters the HVAC system.


If you’re interested in saving money and are concerned about your HVAC system, consider an upgrade from the air conditioning contractors at Cowboy's Heating & Air. Since their inception in 1984, they have been committed to offering impeccable service and providing state-of-the-art HVAC equipment, making it easier than ever to enjoy a healthier, more comfortable home. To learn more about how they can help, visit their website or call (937) 604-1541.
