
As kids indulge in sugary snacks and develop a brushing and flossing routine, they sometimes get cavities in their primary teeth. Parents often wonder if it’s worth having a dentist fill those cavities since the teeth will fall out on their own. Here’s what families need to know about how fillings promote long-term oral health. 

Why Kids’ Cavities Need to Be Addressed

Cavities form when oral bacteria develop in your child’s mouth and create acidic byproducts that dissolve dental enamel. While the affected tooth may fall out soon, repairing decay at this stage is about improving your child’s quality of life and preventing an ongoing infection. 

dentistKids with cavities may struggle to eat, drink, play, or even sleep comfortably. Deeply rooted decay can also cause tremendous amounts of pain or create infections significant enough to impact your child’s health. Having your dentist address cavities helps prevent these problems as long as your child still has that tooth. 

How Dentists Keep Kids Comfortable 

While new experiences can be intimidating for kids, dentists will work hard to make your child as comfortable as possible. Pediatric practices provide a fun and welcoming environment to help ease the tension and encourage kids to be curious about their oral health. Dentists can use oral or inhaled sedation to help your child relax if they feel anxious about getting a filling. They’ll apply a local anesthetic to completely numb the area before starting the procedure, so they can repair the tooth without causing pain. 


If your child seems to be experiencing dental pain, don’t wait to take them to the dentist. Bert E. Bathiany IV, DMD in Fort Thomas, KY, has provided a fun, welcoming, and safe environment for kids since he established his pediatric dental practice nearly 40 years ago. Treatment options include preventative checkups, sealants, and screenings for dental problems. They also accept most forms of insurance and offer flexible hours for families. Call at (859) 525-2100 to schedule an appointment, and visit their website to access new patient documents. 
