
Dry eye is an uncomfortable ocular condition that causes itching, redness, and the feeling of something foreign in your eye. While an eye care specialist will be necessary to accurately assess symptoms, the following are a few basics on this condition and how you can find relief. 

Understanding Dry Eye

What Causes Dry Eye?

To understand why dry eye occurs, it helps to know how tears are normally formulated. Tears are composed of oil, mucus, and water, each of which performs a specific function. In some cases, dry eye happens because one of these components is lacking substance in some way. In other instances, dry eye happens because the eye doesn’t produce enough tears to lubricate the surface.

This condition is linked to lifestyle factors. For example, smoking tends to dry out the eyes, as does staring at digital screens for long periods. Environmental factors, like excessive wind and dry weather, may also play a role. Dry eye can also be caused by some medications, chronic diseases, and wearing contact lenses. 

How Is It Treated?

eye careArtificial tears are drops that moisten the eyes. Depending on the formula, some artificial tears are safe to use daily. You may also be prescribed drops by your eye care specialist, which can treat redness and irritation. There are also medications that increase tear production. 

When symptoms are more severe, a procedure may be recommended. An eye care specialist inserts tiny silicone plugs into the tear ducts to keep tears on the surface of the eye longer. While they can be removed, your eye doctor may also recommend closing off the tear ducts surgically for long-term relief. 



Dry eye causes discomfort, which is why the eye care team at Dr. Thomas Deluca Dr. Anthony Marciano & Associates PC n Prospect, CT, address this and other common disorders, including refractive errors in need of correction. They offer a wide selection of optical eyewear with the latest in fashionable frames. If you’re interested in contact lenses, these doctors will walk you through the fitting process until you’re comfortable. Visit their website to browse their eye exams services and call (203) 758-4447 to schedule an appointment.
