
Summer is the perfect time for road trips and long vacations—the sunny weather is just the right kind for going to the beach or staying in a mountain cabin. As you plan your long-awaited getaway, don’t forget about your air conditioner. Scheduling air conditioning service should be on your to-do list, along with debating on how to keep it on.

4 Tips for Setting Your AC While on Vacation

1. Determine How Long You’ll Be Gone

Running the AC while you’re away may seem like you’re wasting energy, but there’s a good reason for doing so. Your air conditioning service may tell you that cooling units play a role in managing indoor humidity. Excess moisture levels traced to high temperatures, particularly during the summer, can trigger mold growth. Keep the AC on, but for how long depends on the time you’re gone. For vacations that last more than a week, shut down the system after a couple of days of running. Set it to power up a day before your return to make your home feel comfortable. Otherwise, refrain from turning it off entirely if you’ll be back after a weekend trip.

2. Keep It Up

air conditioning serviceBefore heading out, set the thermostat higher than your usual levels. It won’t be cooling your home so turn up the temperature to somewhere between 83 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit or at least four degrees higher from normal use. Doing so will save on energy and costs. However, refrain from setting the temperature too high—when it gets excessively warm inside, your AC struggles to cool down your home to comfortable levels. Warm, humid indoors also jumpstarts a host of other problems apart from mold growth—spoiled food, damaged appliances and electronics, and moisture issues.

3. Consider Other Factors

In addition to the length of your vacation, think about other factors that might affect indoor temperature while you’re away. Check the weather forecast. If it's is expected to be cooler than usual outside, opt for a higher thermostat setting. Otherwise, turn it down to maintain your home’s comfort. Consider your home’s overall energy efficiency to know how high you can turn up the temperature. A house that lacks adequate insulation, sealing, and heat-resistant features requires more energy to maintain its cool, so it’s better to keep it at high levels.

4. Invest in a Smart Thermostat

For a hassle-free tweaking of indoor temperatures, put your thermostat to good use. Ask an air conditioning service contractor on the best kind, and invest in it. Newer thermostats come with remote features, allowing you to adjust temperatures via a smartphone app easily.


Before going away on vacation, opt for air conditioning services with Allen Service Co. As the premier HVAC company in Pell City, AL, they provide exceptional cooling and heating services to countless clients throughout the city and surrounding communities. Call (205) 338-2311 for free estimates on HVAC service or view their full list of offerings online.
