
When you get invited to your class reunion, you’ll need to take care of several steps to prepare for the event. In addition to submitting your RSVP and asking about the dress code, you might wonder whether or not you should bring your spouse or significant other. Here are a handful of factors to consider before you make a decision about your plus one.

3 Factors to Consider When Bringing Your Spouse to a Class Reunion

1. Reunion Year

The amount of time that has elapsed since your high school graduation plays a role in whether it’s appropriate to bring your spouse to the reunion. For instance, if it’s a one-year reunion, your partner may feel uncomfortable around your exes. However, if it’s a five or 10-year reunion, any awkwardness will likely have subsided. 

2. Who Knows Who

class reunionThough a class reunion provides your spouse with an opportunity to meet new people, keep in mind that you’ll likely know everyone much better. Unless your spouse is already acquainted with some of your former classmates, it might be best for them to stay home while you catch up and reminisce. 

3. Incentives 

If you want your spouse to attend, but they seem hesitant, point out the potentially rewarding aspects of the event. For instance, you might remind them that they’ll get to ask your friends burning questions about what you were like in high school. If door prizes or free food and drinks are part of the event, highlight them as incentives. 


If you’re looking for the perfect venue for a class reunion, consider hall rentals from St. Louis Alumni Association. Since 1907, this alumni organization has offered room, lounge, and clubhouse rentals to both members and the general public throughout Honolulu, HI. Call (808) 949-6633 to reserve space for your event, or visit them online to learn more about the perks of becoming a member. 
