
Cockroaches have three life stages: egg, nymph and adult. Cockroach eggs are deposited in groups in a leathery case of capsule called an ootheca. This capsule is usually dropped or glued to some surface by the female soon after it is formed. However, the female German cockroach carries the capsule protruding from her body until the eggs are ready to hatch. There may be from 30 to 48 eggs in the capsule of the German cockroach, but capsules of other cockroaches may have only 10 to 28 eggs.

The newly hatched nymphs have no wings and shed their skins (molt) several times before becoming winged adults. German and brownbanded cockroaches may have several generations per year, but the outdoor species may require a year to develop from egg to adult. 

Cockroaches hide in dark, sheltered places during the day and come out to feed at night. Inside, they may be found around the kitchen sink or drain board, in cracks around or underneath cupboards and cabinets or inside them (especially in the upper corners), behind drawers, around pipes, or conduits (where they pass along the wall or go through it), behind window or door frames, behind loose baseboards or molding strips, on the underside of tables and chairs, in the bathroom, and in radio and TV cabinets.

The German cockroach is usually found in the kitchen and bathroom, although it may be found all over the house. The other cockroaches prefer damp, warm places and usually develop in garages, sewers, attics, storerooms and similar locations, and then enter the home from outside breeding sites. 

Outside, cockroaches can be found in leaf letter, mulch, under vegetation, in tree holes, and in palm trees. 

Prevention and Sanitation

Successful cockroach control requires prevention and sanitation. Vacuuming will eliminate cockroach skins and feces that cause cockroach allergies. Cockroach feces also contain a chemical (aggregation pheromone) that attracts cockroaches to an area. Eliminating the cockroach feces by scrubbing with hot, soapy water will decrease the amount of aggregation pheromone available to attract cockroaches to the area.

Prevention and sanitation can be divided into four categories: exclusion; and elimination of water, food and harborage. Following the recommendations in the four categories will likely eliminate the most important factors that affect cockroach establishment. 

To ensure you keep your home free of pest be sure to call us GreenTec Pest Control at (727) 847-6733 for a free estimate and if you mention this article you will receive a discount on your first spray. 

Check back next week for more on cockroaches and how to eliminate them.

