
If you want to fill your home with greenery but can’t keep a succulent alive, it’s easy to feel discouraged. Fortunately, some houseplants are resistant to even the harshest conditions. The following are a few staple indoor plants that anyone can grow with ease. 

No Green Thumb? Easy Houseplants For Your Home

1. Aloe Vera

This large succulent is known for its soothing medicinal properties that work on sunburn and cuts. It’s also quite easy to grow indoors. Aloe vera thrives in indirect sunlight and only requires water about every two weeks. You can also keep the plant in the same pot for several years, where it will look stunning on any shelf or table.

2. Snake Plant

Also called mother-in-law’s tongue, snake plants feature long, pointed leaves that grow upwards. Similar to aloe, this plant grows well with little water. You can also keep it pot-bound, so don’t worry about repotting it often. If you have low natural light in your home, this plant can be an excellent option for you.

3. Pothos

plantsThis sprawling plant is a type of philodendron. It grows well in hanging or tabletop pots, and the leaves quickly become trailing vines. Pothos grows well in indirect sunlight, but you can keep it in any room that isn’t completely dark. As the vines grow, you can even secure them to the wall or around a window. As for water, you can generally let the soil dry out completely between waterings.

4. Spider Plant

The spider plant is a crucial beginner houseplant. While these plants prefer bright light and weekly watering, they are highly resilient and will likely live with a bit of neglect. Spider plants also grow smaller spider plants that can be removed and rooted for replanting. You can keep these plants in a hanging pot or on a shelf.


Ready to turn your home into a green paradise? Stop by Northgate Greenhouses for quality succulents, tropical plants, and other indoor plant species. Located in the Cincinnati, OH area, this award-winning greenhouse also carries annual and perennial flowers, vegetables, and herbs to brighten your garden. Their knowledgeable employees are happy to help you find the perfect plant for your home or garden needs. To learn more about their space and inventory, visit them online or call (513) 729-1134 today.
