
Commercial and residential HVAC systems can have a direct impact on the indoor atmosphere. Without the proper repairs and maintenance, they will detract from the air quality and cause health issues to develop over time. Protect family and coworkers by becoming familiar with the top signs of air-conditioning related sickness and know how to take the necessary precautions.

3 Signs That Air Conditioning is Affecting Your Health

1. Respiratory Issues

residential HVACAir filters are made to capture airborne particles as they circulate through the system. However, once they accumulate a solid layer of debris, additional particles will begin to work their way into the atmosphere. This can cause coughs, constant throat clearing, and other respiratory issues to develop. Changing out the filters every month and setting up routine inspections are the simplest way to ensure that the air remains clean.

2. Itchy Eyes

Air conditioners are made to prevent outdoor allergens from getting indoors by providing a tight seal that also keeps the coolness contained. A main factor that could jeopardize their condition is the wear and tear after years of use. Holes that develop within the ductwork could allow outdoor air to filter into the building and cause residents to have itchy eyes and uncontrollable sneezing. Scheduling an air conditioning repair will reveal the root of the issue and provide the materials you need to maintain good air quality.

3. Skin Irritation

Commercial and residential HVAC systems have a myriad of internal working components. If any amount of moisture were to accumulate within these areas, the potential for mold and mildew growth increases. Skin irritations, such as itchy rashes and dryness, are common indicators of exposure to the spores once they become airborne. Have an HVAC contractor inspect the entirety of the unit to ensure that the drain is functioning properly and reduce the chance for internal condensation.


Maintain the health of your home or office by working with the experts at ADE Heating & Cooling, Inc. This family-owned company has been supplying quality services throughout central and southern New Jersey for over 30 years. They specialize in both commercial and residential HVAC and utilize cutting-edge technology in order to get the job done right. Their contractors are fully licensed and insured, and make themselves available 24/7 for your convenience. Call (609) 693-6050 to secure a free estimate or visit their website to learn more about preventative maintenance.

NJ Master HVACR Lic # 19HC00136200
NJ Master HVACR Lic # 19HC00400200
NJ Master Plumbing Lic # 36B100668500
