
Residential water systems that rely on water wells may develop hardness. Hard water contains a high amount of naturally-occurring minerals such as calcium and magnesium. While these compounds do not make water unsafe for consumption, they can negatively impact your plumbing system, as well as other aspects of daily life. If you’re concerned about this issue, here are a few ways to tell if water hardness is affecting your home and what you can do to solve it. 

What Problems Can Hard Water Cause?

Dirty Dishes & Fading Laundry

Minerals found in hard water can interact negatively with many of the chemicals found in dish soap, as well as laundry detergent. If untreated, this could cause the color of your clothing to fade more quickly. This may also leave spots on your washed dishes. 

residential water systemSoap Scum

When minerals react with the soap you use in the shower, soap scum may develop on the bath and shower surfaces. 

Hair & Skin Irritation

Over time, these minerals can collect on your skin and scalp, preventing natural oils from moisturizing it. As a result, your hair may become dull, while your skin may experience chronic dryness.

Clogged Pipes

If you have hard water, mineral deposits will attach to the inside of your pipes and build up, leading to clogs. In many cases, plumbers will need to remove these deposits to restore the flow of your residential water system.

How Can Homeowners Fix Water Hardness?

To address minerals in your water supply, have a softening system installed. Water softeners use sodium ions from a salt solution to attract the ions of magnesium, calcium, and other minerals. As the water is directed to the home, these minerals are captured in resin beads, which are eventually cleansed and recharged in a separate brine tank, producing clear water.


Serving Anchorage, AK, for over four decades, Anchorage Well & Pump Service, Inc. offers the support you need to improve the quality of your residential water system. From installing well pumps to providing water well rehabilitation, these professionals will ensure your water supply is reliable. They also serve commercial clients. Visit them online to learn more about what they do or call (907) 243-0740 to schedule an appointment.
