
Ductless heating and cooling systems are the ideal choice for those who want better control over their home’s comfort and efficiency. They’re also much easier to maintain than traditional systems; however, it’s still important to have them professionally serviced regularly. An experienced HVAC contractor will keep your unit operating at peak performance and help maximize your investment. Here are some of the top reasons to ensure your ductless equipment is properly cared for. 

Why You Should Schedule Professional Maintenance for Your Ductless Unit

1. Increase Energy Efficiency 

A well-maintained ductless unit consumes less energy while running. Clogged filters and dirty coils will restrict airflow and cause your system to work overtime to reach your desired temperature. An HVAC contractor will help increase its efficiency by making sure all the components are clean, the filters are replaced, and there isn’t anything blocking the airflow. In turn, this will also reduce your utility expenses. 

2. Minimize Costly Repairs 

HVAC contractorMany of the problems that develop with heating and cooling systems start out minor and don’t give off warning signs you can easily recognize unless the unit is being closely examined. This is why it’s essential for a professional to inspect your unit often. This will allow them to catch issues early enough to prevent a major repair. The sooner a problem is detected, the less it’s likely to cost you.

3. Prolong the Life of the Unit

Cleanliness not only affects your unit’s efficiency but its lifespan as well. When your system has to work harder to distribute hot or cool air throughout your home, it places more wear and tear on the equipment. This can result in a premature breakdown. With the help of an HVAC contractor, you can extend the life of your unit by several years. 


Preventative maintenance is the key to making sure your ductless heating and cooling system can perform efficiently year-round. The HVAC contractors at ADE Heating & Cooling will help you save money and promote a healthier, more comfortable living environment with their quality workmanship. Based in Forked River, NJ, they have more than three decades of industry experience and offer reliable service plans at reasonable prices. Call (609) 693-6050 to schedule an appointment or visit their website to learn more about the services they provide.  


NJ Master HVACR Lic # 19HC00136200
NJ Master HVACR Lic # 19HC00400200
NJ Master Plumbing Lic # 36B100668500
