
Dust, debris, and other particles all get drawn into your air conditioner and eventually make their way into your air stream. Gradually, they’ll circulate your home and taint air quality.  Check and replace your furnace filter frequently.  Even a slightly plugged filter restricts flow, reducing air and heat distribution.  It’s an often overlooked aspect of A/C care and one that will save you comfort and money going forward.

Reasons to Replace Your Air Filter

1. System Efficiency

All the substances that gather in your ductwork will eventually become trapped in an air filter. Once this clogs, cold air will have trouble moving through it. This blockage places strain on your system, causing it to overwork and use more energy. Over time, the stress will damage components and cut into your A/C’s lifespan. During a duct cleaning, professionals use heavy-duty vacuum systems to clear all lingering debris.

2. Improved Air Quality

duct cleaningClean air is imperative if family members have allergies, asthma, or other respiratory complications. Sneezing, coughing, and other side effects will significantly drop, and you will rest easy knowing you have a healthy air supply in your home.

3. Removing Smells

Pests, food particles, cigarette smoke, and chemical fumes all linger in your air and create unpleasant smells in your home. Frequent air filter changings traps and removes these so your home will smell fresh again. A charcoal filter is best for removing these smells in your home.      


Dayton Reliable Air Filter provides all the air filter services you may need. Serving Dayton, OH, and surrounding communities, these certified technicians offer free onsite surveys for commercial, and industrial clients. Residentially we will advise on the best air filters for your home. Call (800) 699-0747 with any questions you may have.  Visit Facebook for more tips. You can explore their full scope of work on their website.
