Back to School Dental Visit FAQ's


Summer months go by way too fact and school will be back in session before you can blink. Send your child off to their classes with not only a new bookbag and fresh pencils, but also with a healthy smile.

Some schools require a back to school dental examinations. If yours doesn’t, it’s still a good time of year to schedule your child’s regular visit. Dr. Joy Lunan and her team can help detect and take care of any issues early so your child doesn’t have to miss any classes once school is back in session. Take this time to get back on track if some of your child’s dental habits were slacking over the summer months.

Here are some questions you may want to ask at your child’s appointment:

How Is My Child’s Overall Dental Health?

Dr. Lunan will be looking at  your child’s entire mouth, including teeth and gums. She will check to make sure teeth are lining up correctly, that your child’s bite is in good shape and start to keep an eye out for any [orthodontic] issues. 

Will My Child Get a  Dental Cleaning Today?

This is a must, no matter how well your child brushes. Even if your child brushes twice a day, it’s not possible to get rid of all the bacteria and this can lead to cavities. Perhaps your child was away at camp over the summer. Who can trust that they were loyal to their brushing habits while away having all that fun?

That’s why a professional dental cleaning in Dr. Lunan’s office goes a long way. Her hygienist will remove more of the cavity-causing bacteria and help to keep gum tissue healthy. A good gleaning can also remove most or many stains from your child’s teeth.

Does My Child Need an X-Ray?

Dental x-rays aid Dr. Lunan in seeing how your child’s teeth are developing and help to see if the tooth roots are healthy. They also are used to see if there is any tooth decay between your child’s teeth. Unfortunately, the decay process can move fast, so the earlier she can catch it, the better off your child will be. Your child won’t need an x-ray at every visit, Dr. Lunan only does them when necessary.

Can You Check My Child’s Mouthguard?

If your child plays any kind of tactical sports, make sure you bring his or her mouthgaurd to your appointment so Dr. Lunan can check for wear, tear and proper fit. If your child is having a growth spurt, losing teeth and getting new ones, the mouthguard might need to be remade.

Don’t wait to schedule your child’s back to school dental check up. Summer is almost gone and school will be back is session before you know it.   203-598-7920



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