

Fire extinguishers offer homeowners and employees a means of defending themselves if flames suddenly break out. However, if they sit for years without use, the protection they provide might be an illusion. The following guide explains ways to tell if yours is expired, so you don’t risk your family’s or coworkers’ safety.

3 Tell-Tale Signs You Need a New Fire Extinguisher

1. It’s Past Its Expiration Date

Depending on its manufacturer, fire extinguishers usually last between five to fifteen years. If you’re not sure about your unit’s life span, check for a sticker on the bottom. If it has been worn down or is not present, call the provider and ask for details about your model. If the manufacturer of the extinguisher no longer exists, opt for a replacement.

2. The Gauge Is in the Red

Check fire extinguisherthe extinguisher’s gauge monthly to confirm the needle still falls in the green area. This indicates that the device has enough pressure to successfully put out a blaze. However, certain extinguishers—like those containing liquid CO2—don’t operate on the same principle. The pressure inside the tanks is always the same. These units must usually be weighed instead and compared to the manufacturer’s recommendations to make sure the contents haven’t evaporated.

3. There Are Obvious Signs of Wear & Tear

Occasionally, inspect the nozzle to see if it is cracked or clogged. Look for similar signs with the hose. Check that the lock pin is fastened against the discharge lever. The handle should also be undamaged. Besides performing these examinations yourself, make sure the device gets professionally inspected. There should be a sticker indicating when it was last checked out and when it should be again.


For residential and commercial fire protection, turn to GMW Fire Protection. Serving clients across Alaska for over 15 years, they provide quality fire alert and suppression systems, including fire extinguishers, alarms, pumps, and sprinkler systems. They also perform professional inspections and repairs. Take advantage of their same-day service by calling (907) 336-5000. Visit the website to learn more about their offerings.
