
Keeping a spare tire on hand and knowing how to install it is valuable in an emergency. It can keep you from getting stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire. However, many drivers make the mistake of driving on their spare tires for too long. Know how to properly use your spare to maintain safe and responsible driving habits.

A Driver’s Guide to Using Spare Tires

What to Do During a Blowout

You should keep on hand a tire change kit: a spare tire, a tire iron, and a jack. When you experience a blowout or a flat, move off the side of the road as safely as possible. Turn your hazards lights on, apply the parking brake, and place hazard triangles or flares to warn oncoming traffic of your presence. 

tiresBegin by loosening the lug nuts with your tire iron around half a turn, then place the jack underneath the appropriate spot on your car frame. You’ll find the jack placement information in your vehicle owner’s manual. After raising the vehicle so the tire is six inches above the ground, fully remove the lug nuts and then the flat tire. Mount the spare tire and tighten the lug nuts by hand as much as you can. After lowering the vehicle, tighten them with the tire iron, and check the tire pressure to ensure it’s safe to drive on.

How Long You Can Safely Drive on a Spare

Spare tires are designed to get you to the nearest auto shop. Do not drive more than 50 miles per hour on the spare tire and go no further than 60 miles. Spares are smaller than normal tires to save space in the car, so they’re not built to last. You’ll quickly wear through the little amount of tread on the tire, losing your traction. Because the smaller tire has to spin faster to keep up with the other three, it also causes a lot of wear on your gears and clutch plates.


When you’re driving on a spare, you can trust the team at Privitt Auto Service Center to get you on your way again as soon as possible. This shop has been serving the drivers of Columbia, MO, for more than 45 years. They can help with routine car care needs, such as an oil change, or provide more last-minute needs, such as new tires. See their full list of services online and call (573) 449-7941 to schedule an appointment.
