
Your home's windows can have a surprising effect on the function of your home. Plus, the right ones can save you money in several ways. Replacing your old windows when they're damaged or worn can pay for itself in the following ways.

Why You Should Plan Window Replacement

1. Energy Efficiency

Modern windows offer several options for improving your insulation. Double-paned models trap a layer of gas between the glass, which slows the transfer of heat, while frame materials like vinyl are also insulating. By replacing inefficient, older models with new ones, you'll make your home much more effective at maintaining a comfortable temperature, so your cooling bills will be lower.

2. Appearance

WindowsYour home's appearance has a direct effect on its value—particularly its curb appeal when you’re selling since potential buyers will decide whether to go inside and how much to offer on the house based on an initial impression. Your windows are some of the first features a buyer will see, so if they're cracked or clouded or have damaged frames, you may lose money on the sale. New ones, on the other hand, will create a more positive impression for better offers on your home.

3. Safety & Security

Modern glass options are designed to break in large pieces instead of small shards, so you're less like to get cut if a window breaks. Films are also available to keep the glass in the frame even if it shatters. It’s not only safer, but can prevent an intruder from entering through the opening, protecting your belongings and your family.


If you'd like to install new windows in your home or other features such as a screen door, choose KKTF Hawaii. Serving all of Oahu for over 15 years, their glass and screen installation options include high-quality materials and secure designs to protect your home. To get a free estimate, call (808) 200-0562 or get in touch online.
