
Graduating college is a significant accomplishment that can set you up for a lifetime of success. When the grace period for your student loans ends, though, you may wonder if pursuing higher education was actually worth it. Thankfully, there are all kinds of strategies for paying down these debts as quickly as possible. For example, if you keep the following tips in mind, you can put just a little more of every paycheck toward your student loans until they stop weighing you down. 

How to Save Money When Paying Down Student Loans 

1. Socialize Strategically

You don’t have to stay at home and eat ramen every night. You should, however, be frugal when socializing. For example, at a dinner out with friends, order a large salad or an appetizer instead of an entree, and skip the alcoholic beverages. Hosting game nights with potluck-style meals is another great way to save while still having fun. 

2. Make Heartfelt Gifts 

student loansWhen your loved ones’ birthdays roll around, why not make them unique presents? Depending on how crafty you are and what you decide to make, you might have to buy supplies; however, chances are something handmade will be more affordable—and more meaningful—than anything you could purchase. 

3. Scrutinize Your Subscriptions 

If you pay for any recurring subscriptions, scrutinize them closely. You could probably cancel at least a couple of them with little impact on your overall quality of life. For example, you can go jogging in the park instead of going to the gym, and you can rent DVDs at the local library instead of watching an online streaming service. 


If you’re unable to make the minimum payments on your student loans even after following the above tips, turn to Padgett & Robertson, Attorneys at Law. Based in Mobile and serving clients throughout all of Southern Alabama, this firm focuses on debt relief. For more than 35 years, they've helped individuals facing wage garnishment, foreclosure, and other seemingly impossible financial hurdles. To request a free consultation, call (251) 342-0264 or reach out on their website

No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. 

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
