
Dentists may suggest dental veneers to improve your smile’s appearance. Whether you have a severely stained tooth or it’s weakened from decay, these corrective dental solutions provide protective relief from bacteria. This common treatment is an ideal solution for many people, but it’s wise to understand exactly what they are and how to maintain them.

Dental Veneer Questions Answered

What are dental veneers?

Veneers are sleek porcelain shells that are custom made to fit over the surface of your teeth. They’re designed to replicate the strength of your natural teeth while improving their appearance. Because they’re designed specifically for your mouth, they look natural once your dentist applies them.

Who is eligible for them?

Veneers can resolve many dental problems. For example, people who have discolored teeth might opt to correct them with veneers. The treatment can also correct worn, broken, chipped, or uneven teeth that the patient may want to conceal. They can even be used to eliminate visible gaps between the teeth.

What does the procedure entail?

dentistFirst, your dentist will conduct an exam and take X-rays. Then, they’ll prepare your mouth by taking a small sample of your tooth’s surface enamel and make impressions of your teeth. This information is provided to the laboratory, who will produce the veneers—these will arrive in approximately two to four weeks.

Then, your dentist will make sure that the veneers fit properly and are similar in color to your existing teeth. He will adjust the veneer as needed until it looks perfect. After cleaning, polishing, and etching the tooth, a cement is added to the veneer and the material is applied to your tooth. The dentist will apply a UV light to harden the cement so that the veneer sticks. Your dentist will then make any necessary adjustments and might request that you return for a follow-up.

How do you care for them?

In general, veneers don’t demand any specific or specialized care. But it’s important to care for your teeth just as you always do: brush and floss daily, use mouthwash to rinse out your mouth, and schedule regular appointments for teeth cleaning and to prevent issues like infections and periodontal disease.



Are you ready to improve your smile? You can trust in the dentists at BridgeView Dental Group to restore your confidence thanks to their state-of-the-art equipment and modern treatments. Based in Kodiak, AK, they offer dental veneers, root canal procedures, tooth implants, dentures, and emergency dentistry services. Whether you need a standard checkup or are concerned about periodontal disease, you can count on them to leave your teeth and gums in the healthiest possible condition. Visit them online to learn more about their services or call (907) 486-3257 to schedule an appointment.
