
If you slip and fall on someone else’s property, you may be entitled to compensation for the resulting damages. While a personal injury attorney can help you navigate the claims process much more easily, there are certain steps you must take on your own in the immediate aftermath. To give your case the best chance of success, here’s what to do following a slip and fall accident. 

3 Steps to Take After a Slip & Fall 

1. Record the Scene

It’s essential that you photograph the hazard responsible for the accident as soon as possible. If the incident occurred at a business establishment, you should also alert the owner or manager on duty and request an incident report. Finally, gather the names and phone numbers of all eyewitnesses so your personal injury attorney can obtain their testimony. 

2. Seek Treatment 

personal-injury-attorneyYou may not have sustained life-threatening injuries, but it’s still wise to visit a doctor as soon as possible after slipping and falling. This will ensure you receive prompt medical care for all injuries, including those that may have latent symptoms. It will also show you’re committed to mitigating damages during the subsequent claims process. 

3. Call a Lawyer 

The sooner you call a personal injury attorney, the sooner you can start building a strong claim. A resourceful lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation to determine who may be liable for the incident and then help you gather the evidence to prove it. Additionally, your attorney will handle all correspondence with the insurance adjuster and track damages so that you have a starting point for the negotiations. 



If you slipped and fell on someone else’s property, turn to William S. Orange III, Attorney at Law to determine how you should proceed. Practicing out of Brunswick, GA, this strategic personal injury attorney is proud to help accident victims throughout Glynn County pursue what’s rightfully theirs. His client-driven firm also assists with debt relief. To request a consultation, call (800) 310-8828. Learn more about his services on his practice’s website.
