
In an urgent dental situation, an immediate trip to an emergency children’s dentist can save a tooth or even prevent serious issues from developing early on. Young kids can sometimes have trouble explaining what’s wrong, but there are certain signs you can look for when they come to you in pain. Here are a few problems that require emergency dental care.

When to See a Children’s Dentist for Emergency Care

1. Dental Injuries

Damaged teeth may be accompanied by a more serious injury, so make sure your child isn’t hurt anywhere else before heading to the dentist. If they cracked their tooth, rinse their mouth out with warm water and use a cold pack for swelling. Keep knocked-out adult teeth moist in milk or saliva and bring them with you to the dentist’s office.

2. Persistent Toothache

Toothaches or tenderness can be caused by a number of reasons, many of which will go away after some time. If the pain persists for more than a day, however, it could be a sign of a more severe dental issue. Ask your child where it hurts to help determine if it is a dental or medical emergency.

3. Lodged Object

emergency children's dentistSometimes, food and other objects can get stuck between teeth or within gums. This can cause serious pain and may lead to an infection and cavities if left untreated. Try gently dislodging the substance with floss, but never use a sharp instrument. Get help from an emergency children’s dentist if you are unable to remove the object.

4. Bleeding Gums

The most common causes of bleeding gums in kids are chronic gingivitis and periodontitis. If your child is bleeding from the mouth, first check if there is some other cause. They may have simply cut their gums on sharp food; if so, rinse their mouth with salt water and stop the bleeding with damp gauze. If gingivitis or periodontitis is the culprit, it’s best to have your child’s dentist diagnose it as soon as possible to provide early treatment and intervention.

5. Swollen Jaw

A swelling jaw may be a signal of an infection, such as a gum abscess or salivary gland infection. Look for inflammation inside the mouth, discharge, or fever in young children. Ask older kids if they are experiencing sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks, a bad taste in their mouth, or pain while chewing. All of these are symptoms of an infection that will need urgent dental care.


If your child is facing any of these dental emergencies, get in touch with the experts at Alaska Dentistry for Kids. Located in Anchorage, this children’s dentist office provides comprehensive dental services to kids of all ages. Whether your little one needs an emergency children’s dentist or a routine cleaning, you can rely on these specialists to deliver the best care. Visit their website to learn more about emergency dental services. To discuss an emergency or schedule an appointment, call (907) 274-2525.
