
Mold is more than an unpleasant eyesore. It can also be destructive, eating away at surfaces, and pose a health hazard. One of the best ways to prevent mold growth at home is to keep humidity in check. Here’s what your HVAC contractor wants you to know about mold, humidity, and what you can do to maintain a healthy home.

A Guide to Humidity & Mold

How Does Humidity Affect Mold Growth?

Mold thrives in damp conditions. The fungus can start to grow within 24 to 48 hours of moisture exposure, which is why controlling humidity in your home is essential to preventing it. Ideal indoor humidity should be between 30 and 50% to keep mold at bay.

What Are the Health Risks of Mold?

HVAC contractorAlthough not all strains of mold are as dangerous as others, all strains can cause health issues. Mold exposure can cause a variety of respiratory problems, such as infections and allergies. Infections can affect healthy people, causing several uncomfortable symptoms, like coughing, sneezing, fatigue, and headaches. People with asthma may also experience worsened symptoms. Certain types of toxic mold can even cause permanent lung scarring.

What Can I Do to Prevent It?

Poor ventilation is one of the leading causes of mold development. Indoor humidity can increase if clogged vents or filters reduce airflow. Regularly clean your air vents and HVAC filters, and open the windows periodically to increase air circulation. When you shower or take a bath, open the windows and run the ceiling fan for at least 30 minutes after bathing to reduce humidity. Ask your HVAC contractor for dehumidifier suggestions as these machines will reduce moisture.

Leaks or inadequate water drainage can also cause mold. For instance, if your windows aren’t well-insulated, moisture may accumulate around the window sills, crating a hospitable environment for mold. Clogged or damaged gutters can also cause water to accumulate beneath the roof or near the foundation, resulting in water damage and mold. Perform routine visual inspections to ensure your windows and doors are well-sealed, and promptly repair them as needed.


If you need help reducing moisture or addressing mold in your home, turn to the reliable HVAC contractors at American Air Conditioning in Honolulu, HI. These experienced air conditioning repair specialists provide prompt, effective repairs and installations throughout Oahu. Call (808) 847-0851 to schedule an appointment with an HVAC contractor, or visit the website to learn more about their services.
