
Floods are the costliest natural disasters in the United States, accounting for more than $1 billion in damage every year. Adding to the stress of a waterlogged basement or related damage is the fact that most home insurance does not cover this particular problem. With that in mind, the guide below looks at the reasons to add supplemental flood insurance—starting with contributing to your peace of mind.

Floods Can Happen Anywhere

Floods occur in every state. Some regions are designated by FEMA as flood zones, and insurance is typically required by mortgage lenders to purchase property in these areas. But even if you're not in a designated flood zone, insurance is still a smart choice. FEMA determines the location of flood zones based on prior weather and climate patterns, but with climate changes now a part of modern life, there is no assurance as to how much rain will fall, where it will fall, or how much flooding will occur. In other words, floods are unpredictable, and you never know where or when they might happen.

A Small Amount of Water Can Cause Significant Damage

insuranceWhen most people think of floods, they think of great torrents of rain and foot upon foot of standing water. But a flood need not be that intense to do substantial harm to a home. Even just a few inches of water can cause structural damage and encourage mold growth. Flood insurance protects you from all types of circumstances.

Flood Insurance Is Affordable

If you live in an area with a lower or even moderate risk of flooding, insurance is extremely affordable. Premiums are based on several factors, including the value of your home, the location of the nearest flood plain, and the extent of coverage and deductible amounts you choose. Certain preventative measures may also qualify you for discounts.


Consult a member of Accredited Insurance Group when looking for a flood policy that matches your home and budget. For more than 25 years, they have been offering coverage to the Douglas County, NE, region—including home, auto, and liability policies. Read what some of their satisfied customers have to say on Google. To request a quote, call (402) 334-1780 or visit them online.
