
Hawaii has temperate weather year-round, and many residents want to cool off from the tropical humidity. Adding a concrete pool will provide your family with a refreshing and relaxing space to unwind, play, and gather. Here are a few benefits of installing this outdoor water feature.

Why Your Home Needs a Concrete Pool

1. Easy to Maintain

Since your concrete pool sits in the ground, you won’t have to worry about sharp objects damaging its walls. Additionally, these pools are easy to clean as you can conveniently stand at the edge of the water and dip a net into the basin to remove debris.

2. Can Be Customized

You can install a concrete pool on your property, even if the yard is small. These features can be customized to accommodate your existing square footage, and when designed properly, they can actually make your yard feel bigger and more luxurious. For example, if you have a narrow outdoor area, place a small plunge pool at the back of the space so that it draws the eyes.

3. Caters to All Swimmers

concrete poolConcrete pools are typically created with a slope to create a shallow and deep end. This type of design is ideal for families with small children or swimmers with varying degrees of skill. Create a safe, kid-friendly splash area at the shallow end, and allow advanced swimmers to tread in the deeper waters.


If you want to install a concrete pool in your yard, contact the skilled team of contractors at Captain Cook Pool & Spa in Hawaii. Since 1980, these professionals have provided Big Island residents with a variety of services, including pool construction and replastering as well as water feature installation. View a gallery of their past projects online, or call (808) 323-3063 to schedule a consultation with a specialist.
