
With the warmer weather of summer, wasps emerge from their hives and become active. They tend to stay close to their nest, though, so if you see these pests flying around the property, you may have a colony nearby. To stay safe throughout the season, you should know what causes them to sting and how to deal with their presence on your property. Below is a brief guide to the threat they pose to humans.

Are Wasps Dangerous?

These pests are more aggressive than bees and cause painful stings. They usually sting if they feel threatened or if you’re too close to their nest. Unlike bees, which only sting once because they leave the stinger in the skin, wasps can strike a few times. Their stinger is also smooth, so it can puncture the skin quickly. As they secrete a hormone that alerts other wasps of a threat, the most serious problem with these insects is the possibility of being stung by a large number of them at once.

If you ever get stung by one of these nasty pests, make sure you aren’t allergic. Most people who are have access to an epinephrine injection (commonly known by the product name EpiPen®), but there are those who go years without discovering they’re allergic to the venom. Seek emergency medical help right way if you start going into shock.

If you don’t have any reaction, begin by cleaning the area, then put ice on it to prevent swelling. Take a painkiller to relieve some of the discomfort and apply an antiseptic cream to avoid any infections. 

How Can You Rid Your Home of Them?

waspsIt can be alarming to find these bugs swarming around your property. An influx of wasps could mean that a nest is nearby. To find the nest, check places such as trees, bushes, siding, windowsills, and eaves. However, don’t try to remove it yourself. Without the proper equipment, you could disturb the colony, putting yourself in danger. Instead, contact a pest control professional to assess the nest, figure out what type of species it is, and safely remove it. They’re trained to properly get rid of nests without anyone being at risk for aggressive stings. 


Have you spotted a wasp nest near your property? Before going any closer to inspect it, contact the pest control experts at Advanced Termite & Pest Control in Crossville, TN. Each member of their team is trained in the latest techniques of pest removal, so they always offer top-of-the-line, effective treatment. Call (866) 636- 2687 for a free inspection. To learn more about their services, visit their website
