
Buying a home is probably the largest purchase you’ll ever make, so it’s best not to judge a property on its appearance alone. After all, even houses with pristine exteriors and brand-new appliances could be hiding water damage, termite activity, and a wide range of other serious problems. Below are a few reasons anyone purchasing a home should commission a home inspection first.

3 Reasons Buyers Should Get a Home Inspection

1. Saves Money

Once you close on the property, you also own any deficiencies the house might have. These issues may cost thousands of dollars to fix. If the home inspection uncovers a problem with the foundation or an outdated HVAC system, you can use that information as leverage to renegotiate the price of the house or ask the seller to correct the problems. Otherwise, you can walk away from the deal and spend that money on a property without significant structural problems.

2. Helps Plan a Long-Term Repair Budget

home inspectionEven if the property doesn’t have any pressing issues, it helps to know how many years are left in the roof or if there are plumbing problems that will have to be addressed later. Knowing the house inside and out before you buy will help you plan your long-term budget and prevent unpleasant surprises down the line.

3. Ensures New Construction Is Done Correctly

Many buyers purchasing new construction believe they don’t need a home inspection. After all, everything is new, so you should run into fewer problems. However, even experienced contractors make mistakes, so get an inspection while the construction is in progress. If something isn’t being done correctly, the contractor will have a chance to fix it before you close on the house.


If you’re buying a house in Marysville, Augusta, or the surrounding areas of Kentucky, trust Sherlock Home Inspection to provide peace of mind and fast service. As members of the KREIA (Kentucky Real Estate Inspectors Association), they follow the best practices in the industry, providing detailed reports covering every part of a home. Visit their website for an overview of their services, or call (606) 782-1430 to request a free quote and schedule an inspection.
