
If you frequently wake up with headaches, jaw stiffness, or mouth pain, you may grind or clench your teeth at night, which is known as bruxism. Over time, this condition may disrupt your sleep or damage your teeth. If you have bruxism, ask your dentist to fit you for a mouth guard to protect your pearly whites at night.

Your Guide to Night Guards

What Are They?

dentistThese dental solutions are made of plastic, and they cover one or both rows of teeth to prevent the tips from grinding against each other. If you have braces or use a dental appliance, your dentist may recommend a night guard for your lower teeth to provide additional protection from the metalwork.

What Types Are There?

Stock versions are the least expensive and may be purchased at most sporting goods or drug stores. However, since they’re one-size-fits-all, you might find them bulky and uncomfortable.

Boil-and-bite night guards are also available over-the-counter, but they have a slightly more sophisticated design to provide a better fit. You’ll place the device in hot water to soften the material, then bite while it’s warm to form it to your teeth.

To ensure comfort and durability, the most effective option is to have your dentist create a night guard for you. Additionally, these guards are easier to clean and won’t affect your speech.

What Are the Advantages?

Since these dental solutions create a barrier between the rows of teeth, they prevent dental damage caused by bruxism. Worn teeth can cause painful sensitivity when you consume hot or cold foods and beverages. Eventually, excessive stress from grinding may crack teeth, which could invite harmful bacteria into the crown.


If you have bruxism, protect your teeth by contacting Nelson Hatanaka, DDS, in Honolulu, HI. Dr. Hatanaka is an experienced dentist, and he’s been practicing since 1983. He treats patients of all ages across Oahu, and his practice offers wellness exams, routine cleanings, and teeth whitening treatments. Call (808) 395-1922 to schedule an appointment, or connect with the team on Facebook for the latest news and updates.
