
Home door locks are the primary defense against break-ins, and you can’t afford to let common problems go unaddressed. Many can be easily resolved by a locksmith. Tackling them early will prevent the need for more extensive repairs, and most importantly, ensure your family is safe from burglars and other threats.

Common Issues With Home Locks

1. Broken Keys

Keys broken off in locks may not seem like a major issue because the door is still locking. It’s an obvious inconvenience, however, and if it’s severely broken, the door lock may be damaged. It’s tricky to remove these keys, and often, self efforts cause more harm than good. A locksmith can resolve the issue, and if needed, replace the locks onsite with higher quality options.

2. Misaligned Locks

locksmithOver time, frame warping, force, and general age can cause door locks to stop aligning with their strike plates. Often, this keeps them from fully closing or latching once forced into the frame. This is common with deadbolts and is a serious security issue because your doors can be easily opened with force. Broken locks will only worsen, and if you’re shoving or jerking the door to close it, you may end up breaking it.

3. Loose Components

Loose locks, handles, and knobs are other minor issue homeowners simply deal with. They’ll unfortunately worsen over time and are an obvious sign that an internal part has come loose or broken. These locks can jam and leave you locked in or out, and they’re more susceptible to forced entry. Sometimes it only takes locksmith a moment to tighten them.


It’s never wise to gamble with your locks, so always work with a locksmith when you need repairs and replacements. Archdale-Thomasville Locksmith, Inc. has over 60 years of industry experience and proudly serves Thomasville, NY, and surrounding communities. This skilled team handles lock repairs, replacements, provides lockout services, and most importantly, will ensure your property is safe. Visit their website to learn more about their company and call (336) 476-3881 to reach a locksmith.
