
From sports to climbing trees and every activity in between, kids are more prone to have accidents. Though these mishaps may result in just a cartoon-decorated bandage, there’s also the possibility of sprained ligaments, strained muscles, or broken bones. How can you tell which ailment is causing your child pain? Doctors offer the following guide on what to look for, how to treat it, and when to seek urgent care.


When ligaments that connect bones together tear or are stretched, it produces a sprain. Doctors find ankles, elbows, and wrists to be the most common types of sprains. If your child is active in sports such as volleyball, basketball, or soccer, they’re more susceptible to tearing a ligament. Besides pain and difficulty with moving, look for swelling or bruising around the affected area. Apply ice and elevate the sprained area to reduce swelling. When a tear might be involved, seeing a doctor is always the right call. If the pain gets worse in the meantime, take your child to an urgent care center for further treatment. 


doctorA strain occurs when  a tendon or muscle is stretched or torn. This type of tissue can experience trauma from sharp, stop-and-go movements. Your child may complain of muscle spasms and have trouble moving the affected area. As with sprains, parents should treat strains with ice, elevation, and rest. The key treatment difference with a strained muscle is to always have the injury evaluated by a doctor sooner rather than later, regardless of your child’s pain level. An X-ray is typically conducted to determine if growth plate attachments may cause problems down the road. 


Broken bones are among the most extreme physical injuries children experience. They’re typically triggered by falls, such as from skateboarding or out of a tree. Arm, finger, and wrist fractures are the typical injuries treated by doctors. One of the telltale signs of a broken bone is the inability to move the affected limb. Numbness, tingling, bruising, and swelling are other signs parents should look for. If you suspect a break or fracture, get your injured child to an emergency room right away. Depending on the severity of the injury, a cast, splint, or even surgery may be needed. 


Palladium Primary Care in High Point, NC, is the treatment center parents and individuals rely on for expert medical treatment. The team of professional and compassionate doctors and nurses specializes in urgent care for a host of ailments. What makes the clinic unique is the wide range of services available to treat infants, children, teenagers, and adults. If you’re in need of their expert attention, call (336) 841-8500. Visit the practice online for details on the full lineup of services. 
