
Physical fitness is essential for good health, which is why the doctors and researchers at the U.S. Department of Health recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate- to high-intensity exercise five days a week for adults. What type of exercise should you take up if you’re interested in challenging yourself with a full-body workout? Try parkour. Parkour, also known as free running, works all your muscles by combining running, jumping, climbing, swinging, and rolling. Parkour is like maneuvering through a ninja-style obstacle course and requires mental focus as well as physical agility. Outdoor and indoor parkour courses are equally challenging, competitive, and intense.


Why Is Parkour Beneficial?

1. Improves Cognitive Functioning

Parkour requires runners to switch quickly from jumping to climbing and from running to swinging. It forces your mind to remain actively engaged and focused throughout your entire workout. The mental challenge of parkour strengthens memory, concentration, and critical thinking.

2. Promotes Creativity

There are no instructions on a parkour course, and each course is different. It’s up to you to figure out how to overcome each obstacle. You have to be mentally tough, committed to each move, and go for it. If you stop too long to think, you’ll lose your momentum. 

3. Builds Core Strength & Fitness

As you bend, twist, and stretch, you’re strengthening your core muscles and revving up your fitness level. Building core muscle strength reduces the risks of the sorts of back injury and pain that plague so many sedentary people.

3. Improves Cardiovascular Health

The high-intensity demands of parkour ensure that your heart will get stronger with each workout. Your brain and body need blood and oxygen. As your heart grows stronger, your risks for developing heart disease, high blood pressure, and other heart-related ailments get lower.


Ninjobstacles is a different kind of fitness center, offering indoor obstacle courses that are designed to challenge your strength, endurance, and agility. You can work out on your own, or take one of the many classes they offer, such as Ninja, Zumba®, or hula dancing. Visit them online to learn more about their facility, or call (937) 580-5936 to get answers to any questions.
