
When the warm weather returns after a long, cold winter, it’s a glorious time to be a boat owner. Keeping your boat well-maintained with quality boat parts should be a top priority. Some boating accidents are the fault of careless upkeep, so follow a regular schedule to ensure your boat is safe and running efficiently.

3 Tips for Maintaining Your Boat

1. Change the Oil

Boats, like cars, have engines that require regular oil changes. Think of oil filters as essential boat parts, and check your oil every time you head out. If the oil is dark, or if the engine has reached its suggested service date, get out your tools and change the oil yourself. Or, if you’re short of time or know-how, take your boat to a service center and have a trained technician change the oil for you.   

2. Wash It Regularly

Tboat partshe outside of your boat needs to be cleaned as frequently as the interior, especially if you navigate through saltwater. A buildup of salty residue can rust the hull and any exposed boat parts. Hose down the exterior with water and scrub it clean with soap after every ride to prevent costly damage.

3. Check the Battery

A trip on the lake can turn into a nightmare if your battery dies. Unlike your car, which you may use every day, your boat may sit idle for weeks at a time. Phone chargers, radios, GPS devices, and other gadgets that use electricity can drain a boat’s battery fast. So have a boat battery charger and a digital multimeter close at hand to make sure your battery doesn’t stall.


Serving commercial and residential clients in Greater Cincinnati for over 80 years, you can rely on the professionals at George J. Hust for quality boat parts, automotive parts, and parts for lawn mowers. Visit them online to learn more about the brands they carry, or call (513) 681-3120 to speak with their friendly and helpful staff.
