
Recovering from an accident is hard on the body, no matter how minor the damage may seem. Any chiropractor will tell you that getting back into the habits of everyday life can cause unexpected aches and pains. To ensure you’re not putting unnecessary strain on your joints, follow the steps below and develop healthy workplace habits to help your body heal and minimize joint pain.

Simple Steps to Lessen Joint Pain

1. Get Up & Move

When possible, alternate between sitting and standing at your desk to prevent potential straining or joint lockup. Stand up every 30 minutes or stretch for at least 30 seconds every 15 minutes. Taking the time to go for a short walk can also get your blood flowing and relieve the tension created by sitting still. Change your sitting position throughout the day to limit stiffness and combat potential joint pain.

2. Utilize Ergonomics

chiropractorErgonomics help improve workplace efficiency and comfort. Functional positioning at your desk can lessen the strain put on your joints. For example, position the keyboard so that your arms are at a 90-degree angle. Move your computer monitor so that your eyes are level with the top of the screen. Chiropractors often see patients who complain of neck pain because of slouching. Other simple steps — such as finding your natural posture, keeping feet flat on the ground, and ensuring your chair has excellent lumbar support — are ergonomically minded principles that can make a big difference in lessening joint pain.

3. Avoid Repetitive Motions

Office jobs require a fair amount of repetition, which can be a problem when a specific motion puts stress on an existing injury. Avoid making repetitive reaching or turning movements that strain your joints. Since some repetitive movements may be unavoidable, taking pauses in between or making time for small breaks throughout the day will make the repetition less strenuous and ease the pain on your joints.


If you’re recovering from an accident and want help relieving pain, contact Team Health Chiropractic in St. Louis, MO. They specialize in auto accident pain treatment, and their experienced chiropractors give on-site X-rays to determine the best treatment plan for you. They take into account the whole body when making a recovery plan and consider each individual’s nutrition, routine, and exercise habits. The chiropractors work with patients to ensure each person gets the specified care they need for a fast-tracked healing process. To make an appointment, call (314) 567-9990, or visit them online for a closer look at their comprehensive services.
