
Vaccines are essential for preventing illnesses in both children and adults. If your child is due for a shot, they may experience some anxiety. This is a common reaction, but there are a few steps you can take as a parent to try to alleviate some of their discomfort. To help you prepare for the appointment, here are a few ways to keep your little one calm when they receive a shot.

How Can I Help My Child Handle Shots?

1. Keep Them Informed

You might be tempted to tell a fib to your child when going to the doctor’s office or a pharmacy for a vaccine. However, this will betray their trust, which will make them suspicious in the future. Instead, explain to your child the reason for your visit, while also emphasizing the importance of being vaccinated to prevent sickness.

2. Don’t Say Shots Won’t Hurt

While the discomfort is usually minimal, shots do give a bit of a pinch. Make sure your child understands this and don’t claim that a vaccine won’t hurt. If the little one knows what to expect, they’re less likely to act out because they’re surprised by the feeling. 

3. Stay Positive

vaccinesNo parent enjoys seeing their child cry or look scared. However, you must put on a brave face during the visit, no matter how your little one reacts. Kids look to parents for cues, and if you appear fearful or anxious, it will only further inflame their fear of shots. Make sure to smile as you comfort them to subtly dissuade their tears.

4. Know When to Leave

Some kids may become quite upset when receiving a shot, no matter what steps you take. In this case, it’s best to let the health care team take the reins. This might mean removing yourself from the situation and waiting outside. Your child won’t be able to get reactions from the person administering the shot, which may be their goal. Most professionals are used to dealing with fearful kids, so they know what steps to take to diffuse tension. 


Faris Pharmacy in Rochester, NY, offers vaccines to ensure you and your family remain protected from preventable illnesses. Additionally, these compassionate pharmacists work to ensure your child feels safe and secure when receiving a shot, which makes life easier for you. They also offer prescription refills, medication reviews, and a wide selection of medical and surgical supplies. Learn more about what they do online or call (585) 663-6950 to discuss their inventory.
