
Your car's tires are critical for safe, comfortable driving. However, they can wear down over time and affect the vehicle's performance. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to tell you're due for a tire replacement.

How to Tell if Your Tires Need Replacing 

1. The Tread is Wearing Down 

When you look at tires that are near the end of their lifespan, you’ll notice the tread is worn down. When the tread drops below 2/32”, or when you can see the tire wear bar in between, it’s a sign that you need a tire replacement. If you often drive in rain or snow, you should consider new tires when the tread falls below 4/32”. To check your tread, you can conduct the penny test. Insert a penny into your tread groove with Lincoln’s head facing you and upside down. If you can see the entirety of his head, go to your local auto service center for a tire replacement. 

2. The Tread is Uneven

Uneven tread is also a sign of wear, and it can be due to uneven pressure or poor alignment. It can also be caused by the tire’s contact with rougher terrain on a regular basis. If you back out of your driveway over rough or untreated road on either side of your car, your tires will suffer over time.

3. You’ve Been Using a Spare for a Long Time

tire replacementIf you’ve driven on a spare tire longer than 70 miles, it’s time to consider a tire replacement. As an added safety precaution, try not to go faster than 50 MPH while on a spare. A spare’s body is often not reinforced, so it has less tread and is more susceptible to punctures.

4. The Car Shakes While in Motion

Auto service specialists know that shaking cars are a common problem motorists encounter. If this issue is non-engine related, they can usually diagnose it as a tire problem. When tires are wearing down and losing tread or air, the unevenness can cause the car to shake. 

5. The Sidewalls Are Cracked

A tire’s sidewall is supported by steel rings for the purpose of transferring power through the vehicle to the road. If these areas become cracked, it’s nearly impossible to patch them. Sidewall breakage, also known as ozone cracking, weathers the tires quickly and can lead to dry rot. If you notice this, you should schedule a complete tire replacement immediately. 


If you need a tire replacement or other car maintenance, consider Ken Marcotte’s Professional Auto Service in Loveland, OH. With three decades of experience and ASE certified mechanics, this team is ready to get to work for you. To get in touch, call (513) 683-7852 or visit them online.
