
During the summer, you need to have a functioning air conditioner in your car. If your system stops working, then everyday commuting can become unbearable. Air conditioner issues are series and there are several auto repair issues that could cause it to stop working. Before you consult with a mechanic, here are some common problems that can result in air conditioner malfunction.

Top 3 Air Conditioner Problems

1. Refrigerant Leak

Refrigerant, or freon, is an important chemical that allows your air conditioner to provide cool air. Faulty hoses and seals can result in leaks in your unit, and this will cause the compressor to cycle on and off or not turn on at all. You can detect a refrigerant leak by a hissing sound coming from your vehicle’s air conditioner. If you notice these issues, contact an auto repair, as freon is a highly toxic chemical.

2. Failed Compressor or Blower Motor

The compressor moves the refrigerant through your car’s unit, while the blower motor pushes cool air into your car’s cabin. When either of these parts fails, you will experience warmer than normal airflow or a total lack of airflow. Often bad wiring can contribute to the problem, but these failures sometimes require a complete replacement of the affected component.

3. Blockages & Buildup

Minor issues, such as mildew buildup on your system’s evaporator core, cam contribute to weak airflow and interfere with your air conditioner’s performance. Clogged expansion tubes and valves will restrict the flow of refrigerant and cause your system to blow warm area. Additionally, the trapped chemicals can freeze internal valves. Thankfully, these issues can be fixed quickly and inexpensively by a trained auto repair specialist.


Whether you need help with your car’s air conditioner or a routine oil change, you can rely on Stillwater Auto Clinic. Serving Washington County, MN since 1977, the skilled mechanics at this auto shop provide trustworthy, reliable service at affordable prices. To learn more about their auto repair services, visit them online or call (651) 351-7188.
